Visit Heritage Park
1900 Heritage Dr. S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 2X3
Phone: 403.268.8500
Food and clothing represent more than basic needs, their make-up, design and presentation tell us much about the people who produce them and the environment in which they live. Artisan and Interpreter Janis Laboucane explores some issues of Métis identity and reveals the ways in which the moose, caribou and the deer influence Métis food, clothing and art, in this month’s Culturally Speaking presentation series.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
This event is part of the series: Culturally Speaking Presentation Series
To access the Railway Orientation Centre, enter the Railway Café and proceed to the room on the right-hand side from the entrance.
1900 Heritage Dr. S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 2X3
Phone: 403.268.8500