Railway Days Modeler Application Form

Apply Today

There is no registration fee for modelers layout. For proper location designation and to feature your display as best possible, the more precise and clear the description and information required

Modeler Information

Main Contact Name

Display Details

How large is the display square footage? There will be boundaries additionally added for your display’s protection.
Please describe the type and layout of the display.

Max. file size: 100 MB.

Please select a block(s) of time, within the time available:

Possible assembly time available Friday September 13 9:00am-9:00pm. Sat 7-9:00am

Name Contact # Email Time of Setup Actions

There will be free passes given to 2 participants per 100 square foot of display Additional passes can be purchased at a discounted group rate

Name Contact # Email Date / Time to Attend Actions

Electricity required?

Please contact Railway days committee member Selwyn Morris, sgmorris@telusplanet.net or call (403)240-0550 please leave VM if necessary


MM slash DD slash YYYY

The Volunteer Team Leader is responsible for ensuring group members are aware of the following:(Required)

1. Heritage Park Historical Village provides Workers Compensation coverage and Volunteer Accident Insurance for all registered volunteers unless the group volunteers are paid by their organization to volunteer. By filling out this form, this ensures that the group members listed on this form are considered registered volunteers for this event only

2. Third Party Liability is also provided for all registered volunteers. While volunteering on our behalf, should an incident occur which may result in legal action being taken against a group member or as a group, you may be covered under our Third Party Liability insurance if the member(s) performed their duties in good faith and in accordance with Heritage Park Historical Village’s policies.

3. Heritage Park Historical Village complies with the Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). Your information is kept confidential and is not shared with outside sources.

4. Heritage Park adheres to provincial and municipal guidelines regarding COVID-19 and expects all volunteers to follow policies and procedures to help reduce the risk of exposure.

5. It is understood that when the group members are volunteering as a group at Heritage Park, their image(s) may be reproduced, edited and used in whole or in part for any and all media including, without limitation, print, audio-visual, multi-media, and /or exhibition purposes, in any manner, in perpetuity and throughout the world. It is further understood and agreed that the group as a whole or individual group members do not have rights to any benefits derived from any such image

6. The group members agree to carry out their volunteer tasks in a reasonable and safe manner. The members are willing to undergo proper training, if needed, to perform their volunteer commitments to the best of their ability and abide by the guidelines of Heritage Park.

7. Emergency contact information for each volunteer must be readily accessible to the Team Volunteer Leader during the time of volunteerism and retained for 2 weeks, as per AHS guidelines.

Row ID Volunteer Name Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Phone # Actions

Please fill in the Volunteer name, emergency contact name and number, for each group
member who will be volunteering at this event. The emergency contact must be available
during the time the volunteer is volunteering for Heritage Park. This information will be
provided to the Volunteer Coordinator prior to your group volunteerism.